Sri Sri said: -” Wake up, realize this is all made of thoughts, just thoughts. Your appreciation of beauty is a thought, your aversion to an object that is ugly is a thought. Your craving or aversion is nothing but a passing thought in the mind. Realize this…& be free!”
Dvorahji says: BELIEVE HIM!!! Thoughts are just passing through…Relax in THIS/INFINITE SPACE – Let thoughts come & go…you remain free
June 4 at 12:48am · · · Promote
Your body is HERE
Your breath is HERE
Your thoughts are thinking about everything BUT THE HERE…they are passsssssssing through….See them for what they are and you are always cooooool!
We are always trying to get rid of sad thoughts, unhappy thoughts, irritating thoughts, stressful thoughts, and we don’t WANT them to stick.
Just recognize that NOTHING STICKS. IT JUST DOESN’T, IT JUST COMES BACK AND FORTH AGAIN AND AGAIN. but nothing “sticks” to us. Healers talk about “thoughts” lodged in our cells and on and on – honestly it’s just Bull#$%!……Our bodies are a spacious floating environment and so is our mind. NOTHING STICKS, it all on the surface, right HERE!!!!! WE JUST THINK IT DOES. it’s just all changing, moving from moment to moment, thoughts to thoughts in an open ended Spacial environment.
So if a thought “sticks or not” comes back again and again…..we know it for what it is. Maybe we’re overshadowed for a moment and STILL WE KNOW IT FOR WHAT IT IS.
btw – People still like/get intrigued interested in their thoughts positive, negative or otherwise….I just watched a horror movie and occasionally the images come back, but to me I’m watching that movie again and it’s wierd and scary and interesting……..People actually like their thoughts regardless of their contents. IT GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT AND FEEL A CERTAIN WAY. But the SPACE THAT YOU ARE IS far bigger then the thoughts passing through.
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