r Look! What are you afraid of? A thought, a feeling,
a sensation, an electrical impulse, a happening passing
through your brain/body…That’s all!!! A thought, a
sensation, a feeling, a brain twitch…NOTHING ELSE!
Move on…Get up! & Just MOVE ON, change the scenery
, look at a tree, change rooms, turn on the radio/tv &
get out of your head!
October 29 at 10:47pm · · Like
Cortney Petrovits
where was this wisdom yesterday!!
Fri at 4:29am · Delete
Ashwani Gupta
Just today morning heard something on the same line in Ashtavakra…there are infinite continuous choice happening in our mind, we choose one and that makes us joyful or sad. Awareness that whatever happens, whatever happened, whatever someone said or did are now just a thought in you and not a fact (as the mind would have you believe) can free you. Also, just look at all this as just a play of Gunas.Different thoughts & sensations arises in satva and opposites in rajas or tamas. They all pass. 🙂