Darling Honey: Why would I want to be another one of your Gurus? You don’t listen to the ones you have! What makes me think that you would listen to me? My job is to put it out there, but wanting me as a guru, is usually like buying another pair of shoes. I write something & you agree or disagree & then you want another post to agree or disagree to, but you still don’t want to do any homework either. You want another answer to “think” about for a second.
Sit & take one line of one sutra/status and close your eyes, take a deep breath and be in awe, even for a moment. That moment can change your life!!! But NO. You want more & more answers, writings, words to feed your intellect. I’ve said IT ALL A THOUSAND TIMES IN A THOUSAND DIFFERENT WAY…and you still want it repeated without doing a stitch of homework for yourself, without ever SHUTTING UP (falling silent) and RELAXing into the knowledge, so it becomes you.
SO NO, I don’t want to be your Guru. I don’t want to be anybody’s Guru, because what good does it do? Same old ridiculous adulation, separation, expectations of love, bliss, shakti, blessings, answers that fade away like your questions or the next “enlightenment seminar” that grabs your attention.
You continually send me talks, videos & tapes by other teachers/gurus, WHY? For my interest? To show me how intelligent and enlightened you are? Because you want to share? That’s the problem. You can’t stop sharing. Reading every piece of so-called enlightened material/Sh#% that you pass your time with and wanting to show me what you’ve already forgotten before you even send it. So NO, I don’t want to be your Guru.
Find another Guru, someone who will indulge you in all your meanderings and even give you a hit of love or understanding (for an hour, a day, a week, a year,) so you can keep coming back for more and more and more! And you can keep saying, “well, I’m not quite there yet, but I feel better & I’m getting it” – until you hate yourself again for not being good enough or strong enough or having the “wrong” thoughts or feelings for the hundredth time as you crunch your money trying to make it happen on another (couple of thousand dollar) courses.
So NO, I don’t want to be your Guru. HOWEVER…If you would just take one line of one Sutra and sit with it for one moment without getting impatient to find the answer, I WILL BE YOUR VERY SELF and love you forever and ever & always…as I ALWAYS HAVE. In adoration, your friend Dvorahji
Updated on Thursday · Comment · Like
Hege MaA guru was asked: What do a guru say to another guru when they meet. Answer: How guru do? ; ) My favorite guru was a holy Mountain – really!!
Manu Geoff DaweThank you for writing this so beautifully and forcefully and lovingly
♥ …
A seeker should carefully note; however, that nowhere in your answer is it implied that one should NOT seek and find a Guru though. Even Lord Krishna takes Sandipani Muni for a Guru for our eternal example.
You have demonstrated powerfully and honestly that it is a two-way street, full of freedom/love/flow and beyond the mind (as in I like or agree or have opinions etc), what use is a disciple who argues without ever knowing or having discipline to surrender and take the guidance offered?
Dvorahji Dvorah AdlerSeekers aren’t looking for a true Guru or to end their suffering. Most just want to continue their life and have it go exactly as they want without their constant unhappy endings…and they are willing to pay 2000 – 25,000 for a day, a week or two to get it.
Fine. Pay the money, feel better about yourself for a short while and when you can’t get out of bed, or your boyfriend just left you, or the whole enchilada hits the fan, go scramble for another 20,000 thousand to give you some relief until the next episode of “What the F?”
Seekers don’t want Gurus, they don’t want freedom, they want a technique, something you can repeat with every piece of nonsense that floats through your mind until you get so sick of it all, that you finally, finally give IT ALL UP AND rest.
…AND Open your hands, knees on the floor, offering your continuously changing, uncontrollable life to the Divine Open Space THAT YOU ARE…and then finally, you’re at peace. Free at last with NO turning back!
Dharmesh Anandmmmhm ….offering your continuously changing, uncontrollable life to the Divine Open Space THAT YOU ARE…my sweet love…I LOVE YOU
Moses KravitzI feel you are not taking responsibility for wanting to be a guru. I feel you are in denial of your guruviness.
If so many seekers want you to be their guru and hang on your every faceword, then you are interrupting a cosmic flow and you are going to get a big splash in your face…
As life is a series of HAPPENINGS = We are not the doer’s.
So who then wants you to be their Guru and Who is refusing to be a Guru ? (I’m sure u know the answer) :-))
Margaret GuilloryAWESOME!!! Silence!!! The ‘Guru Principle’ that flows through you is utterly Mind Blowing! Anyone who truly Listens From The Heart…I don’t know how to express it, but to encourage everyone who reads it to let the energy of the words sink into their very being. I realize I’m not being clear here but I don’t really know how else to express it. Just try and do what Dvorahji is saying…just try. Jai Gurudev!
Dvorahji Dvorah AdlerYou know Moses, I’m going to give YOU a big splash in the face next time I see you and interrupt your cosmic flow! Maybe kiss you all over for good measure! (I forgot to add that!!!!)
Now for my other Darlings: Once you found a “GURU” with a capitol G – then just take the ride! Your suffering really is over! Get on the Train, surrender your baggage and go to your destination, without asking every 5 minutes, “is this the stop I’m supposed to get Off?”.
Once you completely give it up to you the BIG G – then relax and live your life good bad and indifferent, knowing without at doubt that “If IT Could Be Different, It Would Be Different! – AND you are ALWAYS SAFE, AND ALWAYS taken care of.
Vijay DeshpandeThe sign of a true Guru, is that he will never say “I am a Guru. Follow me! Like our Dvorahji!!!
Tanbir Kabarwal“I have a Guru, and the Guru is my Nature…that’s all I know.” – Beautiful, most aptly said Dvorah.
Avinash Rainawow Dvorah…its so simple yet so profound… Jai Guru Deva
Guru is unlimited and not jivatma only any longer –
Your nature is across the universe dear lady (and mine) and all these blessed souls are all splashed, kissed and slapped (lovingly) in service of that…for Guru wants to make us into Guru, into…if we are ready to surrender – yes ♥ the lot
Hege Ma– eventually everything (or nothing) is THE GURU… But when Master finds you… how can one even put it in words (without being misunderstood)..
Sutra xviii-14 “Where is delusion, where is the universe, where is meditation of That, or where is liberation for the great-souled one who is resting on the land beyond the world of desires!” Ashtavakra Gita – 100 rupee ONLY – HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Dvorahji – you are a sweet, fierce LIONESS !! love : )
knowledge that doesnt become experience is a waste of everybody’s time.
Dvorah you look so beautiful in this picture, so pure peaceful and so blissed. 🙂
Jerry Harveythis aticle had a very spicy aroma to it, a lot of sage and rosemary–thanks for your candor
Barbara R. EpsteinThe radiance of your photo and your words takes my breath away. I re-read it over and over again and thank you for shaking me up and loving so fiercely. I love you to bits. Whole lotta shaking going on.
Dvorahji Dvorah AdlerReading a note is one thing, but Satsang is very “subtly” explosive, you should have NOWhere to turn but to get on your inward & outward knees, laughing & crying all the way WITHOUT reverting to all your spiritual distractions of thoughts, experiences, feelings, positive soothsaying, questions or techniques.
Anything you could possible say would carry a, “NO, IT’s NOT THIS OR THIS OR THIS”. Any thought or feeling or experience you could possible have IS NOT this SIMPLE state of awareness. YOU JUST don’t want to SURRENDER THE COMPLICATIONS.
So now again…sit comfortable, close your eyes, rest. Take a deep breath in & let it out, Again take a deep breath in & let it out. Now one more time, Take a deep breath in & let it out sitting at rest think quietly: (directly from my Guru Sri Sri)
“I want nothing
I do nothing
I am nothing”
Now Darlings, Be still for a few minutes. Sit & rest for 5 minutes or longer…meditate naturally….
And when it’s comfortable to open your eyes, then you can naturally, easily think only ONCE… (never concentrating, think it once & let it go to the SPACE where it came from):
Meditation is my Nature.
Enlightenment is my Nature.
Peace is my Nature…..
Then when you’re ready, get up and go have FUN for the rest of your life.
(repeat before going to bed. Remember, always easily, naturally, once & let it go…)
with love, Dvorah.