ASK DVORAHJI: What can I do to BE AT Peace?

“If you want to have any peace at ALL,Really. The ONLY CHOICE you have regarding your past present & future is to say: IF IT COULD BE DIFFERENT-IT WOULD BE DIFFERENT! Everything else will leave you guessing as to what might have been, should be, and could be. Relax with all UR concerns and simple repeat this simple mantra when you’re in conflict about what you’ve said or done or happened. Relax with a new moment”–Dali Mama
Seeing the future as being choiceless makes the lazy mind happy, and slip into the couch and doze off instead off get going…seeing the past and present as if it could be different it would be brings freedom to drive to a different place starting now…the future is full of possibilities, adventures which can be looked upon as problems or viceversa…. isnt it?
Great question!! AND………Well……….
NO! Not from my perspective. The future may be open to all possibilities, but if you expect it to be OPEN “Your Way, the way you’d like that possibility to go” Then it’s going to leave you in MISERY. It is OPEN…but it’s open IT’S WAY. That’s why, from my perspective the statement “if it could be different-It would be different” as it relates to the future……INSURES ALL POSSIBILITIES GOING IT’S WAY and takes you out of the picture, so you don’t have to worry about the future, AS THE future takes cares of ITSELF. 
It’s a mistake of the intellect to think “ONE has a lazy mind”. Actually it’s IMPOSSIBLE to have a lazy mind. Because the mind ALWAYS DOES IT’S JOG, doesn’t it? IT THINKS! And sometimes those thoughts bring action and exciting revelations, and sometimes those thoughts just pass right through and bring nothing but more thoughts. BUT this lazy mind thing, is JUST ANOTHER MIND THING.
SOMETIMES YOU”RE DYNAMIC AND SOMETIMES YOU’RE NOT and it only APPEARS as if you’re lazy but actually YOU ARE DOING THE BEST YOU CAN AT ALL TIMES & SO IS “YOUR MIND”. Anyway that’s my opinion and it’s as good as yours, but mine makes more sense, isn’t it? hahahahahhahahahahahahhah HMITBOTFL (HUGE MASSIVE IN THE BELLY ON THE FLOOR LAUGHTER!)
Just like duty free goods now i can enjoy guilt free laziness…lol
My bumper sticker says: The lazier the better! Our problem is we just can’t let go of this “I am the doer bit”….especially in American where “I will, I can, I must” (and I’m going to do it MYSELF) exists so strongly. The question comes up: “how is it possible that I’m NOT the doer? Impossible”.
Even long time seekers are still going for the “law of attraction” professing: “Well if I can’t do it, there must be something wrong with my desiring, let me desire even stronger!”
Now everything is possible in consciousness, and desires are fulfilled and many times that fulfillment can coincide with the desire for that fulfillment…BUT THAT STILL DOESN’T MEAN YOU DID IT! You, are like an ant with an intellect. You do what you do, and NOW you can “THINK:” ABOUT IT every which way and then bother yourself about EVERYTHING, thinking all the time it’s YOUR FAULT, YOU DID IT! 
WELL in the world of appearance you did do it!! and SO WHAT? SO YOU DID IT, SO YOU MADE A MISTAKE. SO YOU LOST YOUR HOUSE, cause you couldn’t get a job. So you lost your husband, cause you nagged. So your daughter’s on drugs, cause you “think” you didn’t pay enough attention. So your Guru doesn’t call your name or pay attention to you, because you “think” you’re too stupid and have too many negative thoughts!” SO FRICKIN WHAT?
IT HAPPENED, AND YOU can’t do anything about it except what you can at this moment and if you “could have done it differently you would have done it differently and you JUST DIDN’T!!!!. WHY? BECAUSE!!!!!! (UNDERLINED!) 
NOW go through your traumas, go through the gyrations, bang your head against a wall and when IT’S OVER….SAY WITH FULL CONVICTION: “if it could have been different it would have been different!!! THEN move on to what YOU need to do next and WHALLLLLAH…YOU’RE IN PEACE AGAIN moving through the LiLa again and again…waving, and screaming and blissing at the next adventures that you THINK IS screwing you over……..
And Darling BIRJOO……..It’s a Crazy Magic show…..really crazy and really AWESOME MAGIC SHOW…now you see it, and now you don’t! 
What’s unfortunate is that we have to suffer…I hate that part and I don’t care how we rationalize it! (like if there’s no suffering, there’s no joy) and beebleblahblahblahahahahah
ah……and yea you can observe & dig the misery, BUT WHO WANTS TO! But what choice do you have?????? Just move along and sing a song (miserable or otherwise) and blame it ALL on the: AAAAAAAAAA Applejuice your guru gave you!

Wanna be at peace? Get a dog then a Guru…in that order! or NOT!
Written about 2 months ago ·  · 

Pramod Narain

Pramod Narain 

the doing robs peace!!
April 25 at 7:22pm ·  · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

Doing itself doesNOT rob peace…Taking the blame and credit of “my doing” robs peace. If people could “Do” and live with the consequences of doing without second guessing themselves all the time…they wouldn’t get so tweaked in their life…they’d relax more and move along…
April 25 at 8:08pm ·  · 
Meena Waghray

Meena Waghray 

sometimes knowledge becomes like a lot of words to appreciate..nothing sinks in…
April 25 at 8:32pm ·  · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

the Nature of knowledge is “to be appreciated -it never sinks in until it compeltely dissappears and takes you to silence…Appreciate it without expectation of “sinking in”….
April 25 at 8:42pm ·  · 
Pramod Narain

Pramod Narain 

just wonder and say–look nothing sinks in this body made up of 70% water!!
April 25 at 9:00pm ·  · 

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