Dear DvorahjI:
So did you say you are enlightened now? If so then I will keep bombarding you with
questions 🙂
Let me be perfectly clear – Enlightenment, Love are my Nature, that’s all I know…everything else I don’t get AT ALLLLLLL! That question is so out of whack for me…It’s absurd. What good will it do you if I am enlightened or not? Does it make you enlightened? What does it do for you? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. You just think I got something or am something you’re not and then you go looking for it, Right? Or then you start acting like me, maybe even talking like me and still, YOU ARE JUST YOU, pretending to be me, trying to act the way you think enlightenment looks like.
It’s all completely ridiculous and I’ve seen it a hundred times in Devotees. They begin to emulate their Master. They talk like Him, they act like Him, they eat like Him – but problems still come up because “they aren’t Him”. And they get farther and farther away from being natural and recognizing their Own Exquisite Nature.
Some time ago when I was traveling in India with Sri Sri I asked him, ” Guruji, show yourself to me, like Krishna showed himself to Arjuna”. It was quiet for a moment and Sri Sri said softly under His breath, “First become like Arjuna.”
First become enlightened, then ask questions about enlightenment, until then, the questions are useless, intellectual entertainment and they still leave you nowhere, understanding nothing and hoping feverishly for enlightenment and the glories it will bring you.