How can I take responsibility? How to make a first step? How to be brave? Guruji and other teachers always say: “Take responsibility!”***
Darling: From my perspective responsibility, being brave is a quality that people ALREADY have. Some just have it more then others. But Being brave is your nature, and being responsible is your nature, right? If you weren’t brave, you wouln’t even get up in the morning for fear you would fall and have a heart attack or whatever. People are naturally brave and people do what they have to to and that’s responsibility. Some people do ALOT more then others, so they call it “more responsibility”. In actuality they just do their thing.
Relax with al these ideas…just do what you do and if you are urged to do more and you do more GREAT! You are already BRAVE, and sometimes you get a jolt of intiative and you get braver.IT IS AS IT IS and you are perfect the way you are! love Dvorahji…
The Mother of these birds is naturally brave and naturally takes responsibility. You are no different! You just “think” you are…
Written on Wednesday ·  · Like

Meena Waghray

Meena Waghray

How do responsibility and surrender go together… when I surrender I relax totally relax..then…??
Wed at 7:48pm · Delete
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

These questions are brain twists. Surrender, responsibilty are all happenings, different experences in your life…

SURRENDER is your nature…the act of surrender is a happening just like responsibility. What does it matter anyway…there’s a question, then an answer, then you forget it anyway…Be responsible when you’re responsible and … Read More

Wed at 8:06pm · Delete
Meena Waghray

Meena Waghray

DONE!!! :-)) TKS!!
Wed at 8:12pm · Delete
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

There are many people that are already happy, already at peace but “think” they need something more…There’s is nothing more….This IS IT.
Wed at 11:10pm · Delete
Natalia Budantseva

Natalia Budantseva

Dear,beautiful,simple no guilt words,Flow!
Thu at 4:30am · Delete
Neelam Sharma

Neelam Sharma

Thank you Dvorahji !
Yesterday at 1:50am · Delete

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