IF YOU FEEL FREE, YOU ARE FREE…& more FB sutras & notes

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler SriSri “If you feel free-UR free-

If you feel bound UR bound” ***SO Darlings, which

 one will you feel TODAY? SHUT UP (fall silent) & BE FREE!

January 19 at 10:49am via Twitter ·  · 

Candice Parisi

Candice Parisi 

I love you! You are the reminder that reminds the mind to mind its business. I am grateful.
January 19 at 12:42pm · 
Devi McDaniel

Devi McDaniel 

January 19 at 3:18pm · 
Vijaya Nair

Vijaya Nair 

WOW!!!!! THANK YOU Dvorah Ji!!! I ll also call U DIDI meaning Big SIS in Hindi.. 🙂 ” SHUT UP and BE FREE ” WOW Yes! 🙂
January 19 at 10:00pm · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler LIVE LIFE-Let your Enlightened

 NATURE reveal ITSELF. Relax, Life will guide u HOME.

 Don’t stress about Enlightenment-waste of FUN –

Be Happy!

January 18 at 9:04am via Twitter ·  · 

Teri Couch

Teri Couch 

i love your outlook!
January 18 at 9:05am · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

I wish students would stop looking at their teachers with such “awe” and “intellectual eagerness”, LIKE something the teacher says is going to save you!!!

GOOD LORD-YOU ARE SAVED! Stop groveling for one more word, one more something or other that’s going to DO IT FOR YOU. NOTHING IS GOING TO HELP YOU!! CAN YOU JUST STOP AND BE HAPPY, JUST FOR A SECOND, without all this gimme gimme gimme?

..What do you think you’re going to learn from all these talking heads except what you “THINK” you are NOT? 

After seeing someone like Mooj or Adi or Katie, or Foster, or Wheeler, or Gangaji, or sailor Bob or Tony or Pamela or Scott, or the myriad of Ramana/Nisagaddatta/Papaji wannabe’s that have cropped up, Do you EVER LEAVE SATISFIED, ENLIGHTENED? Hell NO! You need more and more explanations of what “IT” is. Ridiculous!

IT’s always another lecture, another class. another speech, another crying session, another blessing, another experience, another Ah-ha moment!! Another and another and another person who supposedly ‘GOT IT” and can talk about the “you” that isn’t here and how it’s all an illusion.

Shut UP!@ Just Shut UP and be still without all this HANKERING for something you think you DON’T HAVE. STOP. Relax, walk outside and smell the SPACE! Enlightenment is your Nature and guess what? NOBODY KNOWS ANYTHING…so relax…we’re all in the same boat…the ENLIGHTENED JUST KNOW THEY DON’T KNOW ANYTHING…the unenlightened think that “anything” is a subject to be explored.

Most teachers should get themselves a ridiculous hat, a big fat plastic rose, a bubble blower, and tell everyone to Shut Up and Be Happy! They might also give their friends a big hug.

And instead of taking a ton of money from their students, they should be giving THEM MONEY for taking time our of their busy lives to come visit and listen to their intellectual or emotional gibberish!

Satsang is for Meditating, Music and dancing and clapping your hands in song and FUN…it’s not for having an spiritual intellectual BullSh$% session!

January 18 at 10:02am · 
Mary Bellamy

Mary Bellamy 

As we`d say in Kansas, “You`ve got it goin` on, Old Girl”.
January 18 at 10:27am · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

And of course, that is just my opinion….Anything is possible in consciousness…even BULLSh#% sessions that work….
January 18 at 10:29am · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

@Mary-Who you callin’ OLD????? Time for Kansas to become Kalifornia…and get a little plastic surgery!
January 18 at 10:36am · 
Angel De Castro

January 18 at 10:41am · 
Mary Bellamy

Mary Bellamy 

Old is a compliment, we don`t live long enough to have plastic surgery. You know———-all those indians hiding behind every bush!!!
January 18 at 10:49am · 
Mansi Ved

Mansi Ved 

when you are in love with your SELF with the universe , WHO CARES FOR ‘”ÍT”.. 🙂
January 18 at 10:58am · 
Wandy Rodriguez

Wandy Rodriguez 

Old…….wow, i never think about it, I am still shaking my big latin ass, better than ever before…..I love to show my middle finger, go bed with heartburn because I ate a whole box of chocolates, and I make a joke of it…..and I am enlighted……Now everybody is talking about shifting, and I wonder, where the hell we going ? I hope I cant rent a uhaul truck.
January 18 at 11:13am · 
Dede Amescua

Dede Amescua 

I am noticing more and more how life is perfectly taking us home. Just swimming with the current here, like a river we all return to the same sea.
January 18 at 11:53am · 
Chandelle Payen

Chandelle Payen 

rotfpml go you good thing! love the boldness and age is a state of mind you look beautiful captivating and cute all at once ! lets put on a gown get our hair done wear a funny hat no shoes and dance in rain and splash puddles outside the plastic surgens
January 18 at 3:01pm · 
Mary Bellamy

Mary Bellamy 

I love all of you——–I`m out of here to do a rain dance, I want to do my part!
January 18 at 4:31pm · 
Vijaya Nair

Vijaya Nair 

🙂 :*
January 18 at 5:39pm · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

I just realized I’m CALLING wholelotof spiritual teachers OUT! I feel like Braveheart – only instead of showing my “Arse” under my kilt, I got my “ENLIGHTENMENT” BADGE on saying: “I talk about “THAT” better than you do!!!” What’s a Dvorahji to do to have some fun around here?
ALL this Awareness,Enlightenment discussion is so serious with jokes like: What did the buddha say to the hot dog vender?” He said: Give me one with everything!” hahahahaha! Now tell me? Is that really funny? (Only the first time, and only if you’re stoned!)

I just watched 2 dozen “advaita teachers” droning on and on and on and on, barely cracking a smile inbetween soft voices and sighs of superior silence…YUCK!! I’m telling you, they all look like they know something you don’t know, and the audience believes it. It drives me C_R_A_Z_Y IN LOVE WITH MYSELF. (YEP that’s mememememe MYMYMY)

I’m calling you ALL OUT! WE’LL JUST SIT IN SILENCE UNTIL ONE OF US CRACKS OR has to go to the bathroom. Let’s just see who has a better vocabulary describing ‘THAT’ and who has the best most beautiful expensive retreats and devotees?

Oh I just love this Enlightenment profession, keeps me in hats. My Guru, who is sweet as honey and doesn’t talk negative about anybody, would probably smack me and tell me to shut Up – but from him I WOULDN’T MIND. WHY? CAUSE HE’S FUNNNNNNNNNY AND WEARS HATS!! AND he doesn’t drone on and on about enlightenment.

He just closes his eyes and lets us have a party. I close my eyes and dissappear in LOVE and leave the “hot dogs with everything” behind.

January 18 at 6:51pm · 
Vijay Deshpande

Vijay Deshpande 

With Dvorahji around, who wants enlightenment?
January 18 at 9:33pm · 
Hege M Stenberg

Hege M Stenberg 

Why do you need to say these things? I have called off darling Sri Sri long time ago… his knowledge does nothing for me… I mean we are NOT desperate for enlightenment, in time, in many lifetimes surely we’ll all get there… But the totally of our longing is why we go to different masters… IN ZEN tradition it is the metaforically Search for the BULL where one makes tremendous effort to the point where one drops ALL EFFORT..When you say relax, I feel like saying relax totally, I don’t disagree… but then don’t be guilty about a thing, (sex, meat, habits etc.)- but your point of relaxation come
s after a certain maturity, a certain let-go… For so many people I know, I see transformation around Osho, Mooji, Adi, Gangaji – really really tranformative blossoming… I don’t see much of it in Art of Living circles… Although they seem happy and contented, at leat on the surface.. I wonder why you seem to be so fiery about the advaita teachers..? Isn’t it about AWARENESS in essence? Maybe even relax into your own centre of your own awareness.. may the word knowledge be replaced by the word UNDERSTANDING…. Hmmm….
January 18 at 10:23pm · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

You can only understand the taste of a strawberry after you’ve tasted a strawberry. All the discussion of what a strawberry tastes like only confuses you more. So my advice is, First taste a strawberry, then let’s talk about what it tastes like. Until then, go experience a strawberry.

It’s the same with all these discussions oF what “IT” is. And “Who Am I” and “Nothing exists” and “There is only This” . Even the word “Being” is misleading and turns POINTERS into a PATH. Seekers who experience their Nature still doubt their experience – because they’re looking for what OTHER’S have told them IT SHOULD look like.

That ‘s why from my perspective, Do what you do. Do your meditations, follow your Gurus, LIVE your life and have confidence that LIFE WILL TAKE YOU to your NATURE and Know ‘If it could be different It Would be Different”. Then after, you’ve experienced your NATURE, you’ll understand what all these teachers are ACTUALLY referring to. 

My suggestion until then is: LIVE your LIFE-Let your Enlightened NATURE reveal ITSELF. Relax, Life will guide u HOME. Don’t stress about Enlightenment-waste of FUN -Be Happy!

January 18 at 10:32pm · 
Hege M Stenberg

Hege M Stenberg 

Will you really tell someone who has suffered loss of a child, a spouse, been in a shock of trauma – just relax and have fun? Isn’t that kind of mocking? I would never do so – but the way f.ex Mooji answers people in Satsang, it is done with such a compassion and it does help people in a most beautiful way.. IN the buddhafield of an Enlightened Master it is fun, it is light, and there is infinite compassion that heals, that soothes, that helps… With Sri Sr I find it is a MAD Circus, it is a whole lot of superficiality.. .Not for everyone… With Osho it is catharsis and transformation, and people come out smiling, celebrating… with a deep understanding of them self… Sorry Dvorahji, I am really annoyed with your postings, you can delete me from your list of friends if you want… I guess my resentment after the sexual abuse I experienced in AoL circles is still operating in me…
January 18 at 10:38pm · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

AHHHHHH MY DARLING HEGE…I Like you so much because you’re so Fierrrrry!…

You ask: “why do you seem to be so fiery about the advaita teachers?”….because it gives me JOY and I can! It’s my opinion, It’s really very simple…They TALK TOOOOOOOO MUCH ABOUT “NOTHING” instead of encouraging people to live their life and be happy!

And Sri Sri is the first to let people go whereever they want for their happines, and so AM I. I’M REALLY for whatever works for you, for whatever Guru or teacher works for you… ALWAYS. Actually, I’m totally on your side….

January 18 at 10:40pm · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

Now Darling Hege, why would I ever delete you…You are ADORABLE…and I’m glad you found a teacher that makes you happy. And I am truly deeply sorry you experienced any sexual abuse by anyone anywhere. I love you and wish you well ALWAYS…
January 18 at 10:43pm · 
Hege M Stenberg

Hege M Stenberg 

Right on Dvorahji!!, who knows.. maybe I do know the taste of strawberrys… I don’t even care for happiness…: 0 ) Duality transcends.. and bliss comes and bliss goes..
January 18 at 10:47pm · 
LeiLanai Archambault

LeiLanai Archambault 

Thanks for sharing!! I will share as well!!
January 19 at 5:57am · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler Rationalize Nothing. IT IS AS IT

 IS – LIVE free of explanations! Laugh, eat, drink 

(Starbucks) meditate, dance, breathe, yell & BE MERRY!

January 17 at 11:08am via Twitter ·  · 

Judita Gribovskaja

Judita Gribovskaja 

as always, PERFECTLY said, even is such a short manner. Bless you!
January 17 at 11:12am · 
Sonali Shekhawat

Sonali Shekhawat 

u made evry single min. like dis :))… !
January 17 at 11:13am · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

I’m a psychologist by nature & education and SO WHAT? I rationalize for fun. I love explaining everything and SO WHAT? How can I take any of it seriously???? An explanation is like talking about why an orange tastes so good and then you eat it and IT’S GONE…..eat your oranges and eat you explanations, they’re both yummy and fun and SO WHAT? move along to the next moment…

All these reasons of why you are the way you are, and how you got this way, and how to change yourself and on & on keeps you in ignorance! Go outside, open your eyes and ask your yourself:
“How did that tree grow that particular way and why is that bird in it, and how did that funny looking branch grow that way”… and on and on…..

You don’t know how why the tree got that way and you don’t REALLY KNOW why you got this way, Every moment really is a new day! no past, no present, no future…JUST WHAT’S HAPPENING, THAT’S YOUR REALITY RIGHT NOW, ISN’T IT? Everything else is a thought, isn’t it?

January 17 at 11:26am · 
Judita Gribovskaja

Judita Gribovskaja 

it is!! 🙂
January 17 at 11:50am · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

You could call THAT Enlightenment…an ongoing affirmation of this Vast, unfathomable moment that IS.
January 17 at 11:54am · 
Sushma Prasad

Sushma Prasad 

i love your words Dvorarahji
January 17 at 12:29pm · 
Devi McDaniel

Devi McDaniel 

jai Dvorahji
January 17 at 4:34pm · 
Fox Ultrafeel

Fox Ultrafeel 

Better enjoy real coffee at a fine Italian store or something, but Starbucks…:-)
January 17 at 9:08pm · 
Meena Waghray

Meena Waghray 

I just did that at The AMC!!at it still at home!! 🙂
January 17 at 9:28pm · 
Jorge Morales

Jorge Morales 

I know I go ” wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! ” everytime I get a “tall” starbucks “drink” Hehehehehe It is not regularly that i get one of those, so it does have a nice effect on my short term behavioral craziness! lol! But yeah! Dvorah is so right! At least think about that for a sec. … we spend so much precious time worrying about the “what could be” that we let the “what IS” slip by our fingers! Many spend their whole life saddened because of “what I should have done – and didn’t” and that sorta thing… LET ALL THAT GO! DROP IT! LOOK AROUND! See where those events lead you, I am sure – whatever happened, happened for a reason… and 99.99999% of the time, we just cannot fathom the reasons… so why spend time thinking about those things? Enjoy life for what is is! A JOY RIDE! XD
January 18 at 6:25am · 
Suzanne Suzi Mitchell Forshaw

Suzanne Suzi Mitchell Forshaw 

A rollercoaster with highs and lows……
January 18 at 6:29am · 
Jorge Morales

Jorge Morales 

Yup! A “game”! 🙂
January 18 at 6:30am · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler KARMA is a thought, like any

 other – Relax…Live your live as if you have NO Karma 

– Be Happy! Let your Karma come & go…

January 16 at 11:11am via Twitter ·  · 

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

Seeker believe in so much nonsense, so much spiritual hype. How can there be Karma, when every moment is a FRESH/NEW/UNIMAGINABLE HAPPENING? But to the ignorant – karma, reincarnation, heaven, hell, continues to float in their mind as if it had substance: as if it had a past, present and future. Karma is A JOKE, just like “you” are a JOKE!

Instead of constantly referring to your good & bad karma – refer to the WHOLE IN YOUR HEAD…the SPACE BETWEEN your ears that extends out beyond the universe….You are NOT your Karma, YOU ARE EVERYTHING…relax and be HAPPY….

January 16 at 12:31pm · 
Rainer Lang

Rainer Lang 

rco akshare … 🙂 😉
January 16 at 1:20pm · 
Reena Graham

Reena Graham 

yes so true,

But that comes with Experiencing life.

Lot of love

January 16 at 3:38pm · 
Chandelle Payen

Chandelle Payen 

I was pondering what your thoughts on this was and I didn’t have to even ask as once again you are in my head love you lots mwah
January 16 at 3:43pm · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

that “But” is the beginning of the cycle of the world of thought & misery…that’s why most seekers no matter how intent on knowing the truth always have a “but” in there somewhere. IT’S ALL OR NOTHING NO BUTS, MAYBES OR WHAT IFS, NOTHING!!!!!

You wanna be free or you wanna have “BUTS”. Which one do you choose??? and Unfortunately the answer usually is “give me another “BUT” another go around with questions and WHAT IFS. STOP!! STOP ALREADY!

You don’t need another go around!! You don’t need to experience Life again and again and again, looking at the same pictures in different colors & shapes. OPEN YOU EYES. NO BUTS. IT ALL OR NOTHING. God is everything, God sees Everything, God knows everything, God makes everything. DIVINE RUNS THE SHOW, PERIOD.

NOW….NO buts, ands, maybes, another life, some more karma, RELAX into what’s coming up for you at every moment AND JUST LIVE AS IF YOU HAVE NO KARMA, NO PAST, NO PRESENT, AND ABSOLUTELY NO FUTURE…just live your life and BE HAPPY. IN other words: SHUT UP WITH THE BUTS- and go for EVERYTHING AND JUMP INTO THE VAST UNKNOWN HEAD FIRST!! and leave your butt behind!

January 16 at 4:22pm · 
Alisha Ingles

Alisha Ingles 

jai gurudev! …period…;)
January 16 at 6:13pm · 
Wandy Rodriguez

Wandy Rodriguez 

Ok, let me see if i got it…..buts, ands, maybes, another life, karma, past, present and future are thoughts that doesnt let the Divine run the show ?
January 16 at 7:18pm · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

DIVINE RUNS THE SHOW regardless of what anyone thinks. The Divine IS…karma, past, present, futures are thoughts that arise in the DIVINE…and come and go, all arises in Consciousness…and WHO CARES ANYWAY? be Happy!
January 16 at 7:39pm · 
Wandy Rodriguez

Wandy Rodriguez 

If the Divine runs the show, that means that we need to accept everithing as is ? Supose that there is something in our lifes that we dont like it or is hurting us, should we pray, meditate of chant for this things to change, or we should accept this events in our lifes as part of the show ?
January 16 at 7:51pm · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

It’s all part of the show EVERYTHING GD & BD IS part of the show.

ACCEPT THINGS AS THEY ARE and Pray, meditate, chant, DO things to change your situation…Do what you do; Knowing deep in your heart that “if it could Be different, It would be different”

AND that the Divine runs the Show – not you.

January 16 at 8:43pm · 
Wandy Rodriguez

Wandy Rodriguez 

Thank you…….I got it….a big squeez
January 16 at 8:57pm · 
Rainer Lang

Rainer Lang 

just sit on your but(t), that’s what it’s meant for ! 😉
January 17 at 12:59am · 
Kasia Kluczyk

Kasia Kluczyk 

Seva, Satsang and Meditation help us…
January 17 at 1:28am · 
Dvorahji Dvorah Adler

Dvorahji Dvorah Adler 

So does, good sleep, good food, and chocolate regularly….
January 17 at 11:02am · 
Wandy Rodriguez

Wandy Rodriguez 

Oh, i do chocolate every day….thats the first thing that i buy when go for groceries….
January 17 at 12:41pm · 

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