Dvorahji Dvorah Adler if you’re looking for spiritual answers-you’re TRIPPING AS USUAL. The desire to know ‘Who you are” makes you crazy. Does the wind say, “Who am I?” Does the sun say, “Who am I?” Does the tree say, “Who Am I?”. NO! Only the spiritual seeker asks & believes every guru & teacher in town. There are NO answers-ONLY AWESOME VAST HUGE MYSTERIOUS THIS! Life Happening! Everything else is you “THINKING” about what it is.
Sat at 9:56pm · ·
So yes…it’s the process that “seems” to have relevance…IT’s wanting an answer & finding it that is “mind-tripping”….
HOWEVER…there is a “sense” a knowing A BIG GORGEOUS BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL HAPPY SURRENDERED NOTHING that makes sense to you and gives you absolute comfort, safetly, feerless rest – because it’s your NATURE, IT JUST IS – and there’s nothing you can say or hang on to about THAT….you FALL EMPTY OPEN INTO YOURSELF and it’s impossible to search for yourself. Just impossible because there is NO ONE interested in searching for anything.
h Adler
“oh” says the mind “So, now I know who I am, I am consciousness! or I am NOthing”…and it repeats that mantra over and over again and believes it, and never investigates any further. And if it does, it verifies it’s original answer.
But honestly it doesn’t even matter. YOU’RE IT ANYWAY, whether you think it, investigate, ask questions or whatever…life continues to change and live you until it DOESN’T AND IT DOESN’T REALLY MATTER…(although we really really really want to think it does)
LIfe Is Awesomely meaningless music video